Personal Jurisdiction

Let's Get Personal with Jessica Paduganan, 2022 Graduate of University of Michigan Law School

Episode Summary

In this second episode of our Student Clinic Spotlight Series, we talk with Jessica Paduganan, a 2022 graduate from the University of Michigan Law School. Jessica participated in a clinic almost every semester during law school! She was a student-attorney in the Workers' Rights Clinic during the second semester of her 1L year and student-attorney in the Civil-Criminal Litigation Clinic during her 2L and 3L years. Jessica shares how participating in the clinic helped her to develop her lawyer persona, why she was intentional in seeking a position on the Michigan Law Review and how she found a supportive, authentic community in the First Generation Law Students group.

Episode Notes

This month, June 2022, tune in for our Student Clinic Spotlight Series! During this series, we're featuring students from law schools around the country who have participated in a variety law school clinics.  Over the past two seasons of the show, many of our guests have talked about the impact that clinic work has had on their career trajectories and work experience. So, we've decided to chat with students who are in the thick of a clinic experience and hear more about advice they have for law students. Whether you're thinking about doing a clinic in law school, learning more about what law school clinics do, or hearing from students who have lots of wisdom to share, this series is for you! 

In this week's episode, we talk to Jessica Paduganan who just graduated from The University of Michigan Law School. During law school, Jessica participated in the Civil-Criminal Litigation Clinic and the Workers' Rights Clinic, the Michigan Law Review, and the First Generation Law Students group. 

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