For Episode 48, we're excited to share the audio from a LinkedIn Live event with MC Sungaila, the host of the Portia Project, in August 2023. During this episode, Allison, Hallie, and MC discuss lessons learned from our interviews with attorneys, judges, and law students over the course of many seasons and hundreds of episodes of Personal Jurisdiction and the Portia Project.
We loved this discussion so much that we made it a Season 4 episode! What were the Top 5 Lessons we've learned? See below:
1️⃣ "Nobody's life is perfect." - LinkedIn profiles and resumes tell a story but they don't tell the whole story - we all have successes, failures, setbacks, and personal problems that impact the decisions we make about our careers.
2️⃣ "There is no yellow brick road." - Your first job might not be your dream job. Your dream job may be different than what you imagined in law school.
3️⃣ "Embrace change." - It's okay to switch jobs. It's okay to pursue a new area of the law long after you graduate from law school. You don't need decades of experience to be able to try something new.
4️⃣ "You shouldn't do it alone." - Mentoring, networking, and friendships make all the difference in finding new opportunities, dealing with difficult work environments, and feeling connected to a professional community.
5️⃣ "What does success mean to you?" - Our favorite question on Personal Jurisdiction! This quote from Anna Quindlen sums it up perfectly: "I am successful on my own terms. Because if your success is not on your own terms, if it looks good to the world but it does not feel good in your heart, it is not success at all."
Watch the FULL VIDEO from this episode here:
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